Amazon chime bot
Amazon chime bot

amazon chime bot amazon chime bot

Voicegain uses TTS to generate from the text of the RASA question an audio prompt and plays it over the telephone to the caller.Lambda function responds to Voicegain callback with the prompt received from RASA and tell Voicegain Speech-to-Text to capture callers response.Lambda function sends "Hi" RASA and RASA responds with the initial dialog prompt.Voicegain Telephony Bot API makes call to a callback function on AWS Lambda.Call a phone number provided by Voicegain (powered by Amazon Chime Voice Connector).Basically, the sequence of operations is as follows: RASA - dialog logic is provided by RASA NLU Dialog server which is accessible over RestInput API.For Twilio and SignalWire developers, it is similar to working with Twilio TwiML and SignalWire LaML respectively. Voicegain Telephony Bot API - the Telephony Bot API works with web callbacks.AWS Lambda function - a single Node.js function with an API Gateway trigger (simple HTTP API type).Of course, we continue to support developer that use Twilio and SignalWire using simple SIP INVITE - this blog describes how. Support for making outbound Speech IVR calls is in the works. You can also purchase phone numbers and receive inbound calls. Voicegain now integrates with Amazon Chime Voice Connector to offer a pay as you go SIP Trunking service directly from the Voicegain web console. The need to pass the speech recognition results via S3 (as Lambda is stateless and does not have memory between function calls) may occasionally cause delays in requests and responses. Twilio was used for telephony (phone numbers, SIP Trunking, TwiML for call control) Voicegain provided the ASR/speech recognition, while AWS Lambda was coordinating the actions. One of the previous blog posts described a Voice Bot built using Twilio, Voicegain, RASA, and AWS Lambda.

Amazon chime bot